

Support The Female Athlete Conference!

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Best personal 5k time
(*manually logged)

    Patience human! Our facial recognition software is locating the specified humanoid in the pack.


    Patience human! Our facial recognition software is locating the specified humanoid in the pack.

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    Team Mileage Log:

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      Inactive user!

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      • miles/week
      • miles/week

      's Log

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      *Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.

      Group Mileage Log:

        Recent Activity

        This race ended 07/07/23 - check out the final activity below.

        OR start a new challenge here!

        Filtered for #. Back to unfiltered.

        • leon t7.1.1 June 13, 2023
          4.0 miles 00:05:00 *
          4.0 miles of running = 4.0 miles
           Longest personal miles of this race.  Finished in 2nd place.
        • leon t7.1.1 June 13, 2023
          0.2 miles 00:42:51
          Racery app tracked running activity
           4th Longest personal miles.
        • LeonSupport t8.1.1 June 13, 2023
          0.1 miles 01:03:34
          Racery app tracked running activity
           8th Longest personal miles.
        • LeonSupport t8.1.1 June 13, 2023
          5.0 miles 00:08:00 *
          5.0 miles of running = 5.0 miles
           Longest personal miles of this race.  Back after 13 days.
        • LeonSupport t8.1.1 May 31, 2023
          3.1 miles 00:39:00 *
          3.1 miles of running = 3.1 miles
          - Manually logged in Raleigh, NC, USA
           4th Longest personal miles.  Finished in 1st place.
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          Team Mileage Log:

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            Inactive user!

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            • miles/week

            's Log

            Log Activity

            This race ended 07/07/23 - check out the final activity here.

            OR start a new challenge here!


            You need to validate this device to chat.

            **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
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             Full profile >>

              Team Mileage Log:

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                Inactive user!

                • total miles
                • miles/week
                • miles/week

                's Log

                About + Join

                • From: Your neighborhood
                • To: Anywhere 3.1 miles away!
                • Start date: May 30, 2023
                • End date: July 7, 2023
                • 0:00
                • 14:27
                • Route distance: 3.1 miles
                • Total logged: 12.4 miles
                Welcome to the Female Athlete Conference's 2023 race and fundraiser event! Be social, enjoy, and let us know if you have any questions -

                After you've paid and registered below, please download Racery's Android App or Apple App and follow the instructions in the email we send you! Make sure all battery savers are off! Then run, walk or wheelchair ANYWHERE. (No gears or motors please!) 

                The route you take when the App is on will be traced on the race's online map.  And you'll automatically be ranked by your time on the race's leader board. Run again if you want to improve your ranking or route design! 

                If you don't want to use the Apps, you can log your time and distance manually, but your route won't appear on the race's online map.

                Questions? Write!
                No mileage submitted yet.